What I learned about meditation

(And from meditation)

4 min readMay 27, 2021


I’ve been meditating for some time. I’ve never done it before and I can’t say I’m an expert, not even close. Meditating with a certain constancy, however, has allowed me to focus on some characteristics in which those who meditate can recognize themselves or which, I hope, will induce others to try.

What follows is not the word of an expert, but only a set of observations collected in a scattered form. However, if they can ignite the curiosity of some, I think it is worth collecting them here.

1. There is no one way

There is no one right way to meditate but there are several ways to do it. We often approach an issue thinking that there is only one way to solve it. This is not the case of meditation: freedom in the practice of meditation is one of its cornerstones. There are those who prefer visualizations, those who concentrate only on bodily sensations, those who rely on breathing, those who listen to environmental sounds or particular music. Some, finally, mix different techniques.

My advice, especially at the beginning, is to follow the guided meditations: for more in-depth programs there are paid versions, but the basic techniques can be learned for free.

I started with the guided meditations of Petit BamBou and Balance autonomously, applying the different techniques learned and listening to gongs or oriental music. Gongs are very fascinating and effective: they immediately create a state of relaxation and good alienation, which allows very powerful visualizations (depending of course on the imagination of each person).

Regarding visualizations: I have discovered that it is better — or I find it easier — not to build them but to let them emerge. Let me explain: it is more tiring and frustrating to try to visualize something that you intensely want to “see” rather than letting the visualization reveal itself. Which means it may not reveal itself at all, and that’s perfectly fine (more on that later).
Gongs are very powerful in building visualizations.

2. it’s not always successful

I try to meditate every day and in these months I have missed very few times. It didn’t…



Architect, photographer, illustrator, writer. L’Indice Totale, The Fluxus and I Love Podcasts, co-founder @ RunLovers | -> http://www.martinopietropoli.com