What it’s like to photograph with a Leica

It’s a beautiful thing

Martino Pietropoli


All images by the Martino Pietropoli, shot on Leica M10 Monochrom and Summicron-M 1:2/35

I had never picked up a Leica or taken a picture with it in my entire life. Like many people, I have always been fascinated by it, even if from a distance and more than anything else by the mythical light that that object emits for anyone who loves photography. We talk about Cartier-Bresson’s camera and many of the greatest photographers in history. We…



Martino Pietropoli

Architect, photographer, illustrator, writer. L’Indice Totale, The Fluxus and I Love Podcasts, co-founder @ RunLovers | -> http://www.martinopietropoli.com